Kain - New!

DOB: January 2013
 LID only

This handsome little guy is Kain. He just turned a year old. He is considered a smart and cute little boy. He likes bathing and beating the water. He is interested in colorful toys that make noise. He is out going and not scared of strangers. He is babbling and making sounds like "baba" and "mama". He loves music and needs it sometimes before bed because it helps calm him to sleep. He is in a Foster home and loves playing with his older brother.

His special need is Post-Operative CHD (VSD & ASD) and, according to his hospital discharge records, has a left oblique inguinal hernia. He can not walk yet but he can stand up while holding on to something. They say he even likes to get in the walker and run around.

Could you be his forever family?

If you would like more information about this child, please contact: kathy@aacadoption.com 
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